Martial Archetype


Those who follow the martial path of the Brawler have trained themselves in the art of wrestling their foes down. To a brawler nothing is better than getting their hands on an opponent and crushing them in their iron grip. Brawlers always leave at least one hand open to facilitate their ability to grapple their foes.

Grappling Mastery

Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this archetype you learn the art of grappling. When you make an attack with your action, you may use a bonus action to attempt to grapple. Creatures that you have grappled have disadvantaged against all their attacks not made against you. Large creatures that you grappled cannot automatically escape your grapple.

Skilled Wrestling

Starting at 7th level, you have gained the ability to impress and excite crowds with your skill in wrestling. You gain proficiency in performance, if you use your performance in wrestling you can add double your proficiency bonus to the check. Furthermore, you can examine a target for one round and determine whether or not the target has higher Athletics or Acrobatics then you.

Master of Grappling

Starting at 10th level, you apply double your proficiency bonus on Strength (Athletics) in order to grapple and Strength (Athletics) Dexterity (Acrobatics) to escape a grapple. Furthermore, targets that fail to escape your grapple or end their turn without trying to escape take your Strength or Dexterity modifier in damage.

Crushing Grip

Starting at 15th level, targets that you have grappled can be crushed by your mighty grip. Targets that you grapple take damage equal to your unarmed strike damage.

Armor Master

While many warriors rely on the force of arms to win them the day, there are those that know that a good suit of armor and strong shield can save the day. Armor Masters have learned to adjust to wearing heavy armor, affording them greater mobility and increased flexibility. Those that follow this path do so knowing that they key to taking a hit is preserving their armor and keeping it in peak shape for the fights to come.

Heavily Armored

Starting at 3rd, level when you choose this archetype you have learned to wear your armor like a second skin. Heavy armor no longer applies a penalty to Dexterity skill checks, you can sleep in your heavy armor with no penalty. The maximum Dexterity modifier that applies to Medium and Heavy armor increases by 1.

Armor Smith

Starting at 7th level, you have learned the art of crafting fine but also incredibly strong armor. Whenever you craft armor or shields you add your Proficiency to the check. It takes you have the amount of time it would to normally craft a suit of armor or shield. Finally you add your Proficiency bonus to any check in which you appraise an armor or shield of it’s worth.

Shrug it off

Starting at 10th level you have learned to shrug off the massive effects of devastating spells and area effects. When you fail a saving throw against a spell or an ability like a dragon’s breath that does damage, you can instead save. Doing so does not protect you from any other effects of the spell or attack. Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Impenetrable Bulwark

Starting at 15th level, you have become a walking juggernaut on the field of battle. When you are hit by a critical attack or a sneak attack, you can use your reaction to turn it into a normal attack. Sneak attacks still count as having been a sneak attack but do not get to add their sneak attack damage.


On the back of a mighty steed, a Cavalier rides into battle running down foes of the field. The bound between a mount and its rider is paramount and there are many legendary stories across the lands of brave knights that have ridden across the battlefield overcoming great difficulties to win the day. The Cavalier embodies this bound of man and beast as both function together as one, stronger than any of the individual parts.

Improved Mount

Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this archetype you have learned to use form a bound with a creature suited to carry you out on the field of battle. You can choose a beast with ½ challenge that can be used as a mount (DM’s Discretions as to what accounts as a mount). This mount must at least be one size larger than you, and it cannot have a flying speed. This mount is loyal only to you and will follow your commands to the best of its ability, it will not attack on its own or sacrifice itself needlessly though. Furthermore, when you use an action to make an attack while mounted, you can as a bonus action let your mount make an attack, using your Proficiency bonus for the attack roll. If your mount dies, you can form a bond with a new mount by spending a week training it.

Riding Master

Starting at 7th level, you have become so good at riding a mount, that it almost seems like second nature now. Whenever you make a Check in dealing with your mount (Such as a ride check), you add your Proficiency to the check, if you are trained in the skill then you add double your Proficiency bonus to the check. Additionally, mounting your steed no longer costs extra movement.

Greater Improved Mount

Starting at 10th level, you have improved at finding mounts to ride into battle. You can pick a beast with a challenge rating of 1 or less to ride as a mount, this creature cannot have a fly speed. This mount’s HP is either half yours or its own, whichever is higher.

Mounted Supremacy

Starting at 15th level, you and your mount have become an unstoppable force in combat. While on your mount, and you use your action to make an attack and you issue your mount to attack, it can instead make two attacks. Your mount adds your Proficiency bonus to damage rolls of these attacks.

New Fighting Style

Unarmed Combatant

Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 points of damage instead of just 1 point of damage.